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Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat


Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat

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Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat


Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat

How Common is PTSD/CPTSD?

The statistic used for lifetime prevalence of PTSD 24, 25 is 6.8%; however, following rape 65% of men and 46% of women are diagnosed with PTSD. 26

27% of women and 5.7% of men in England and Wales experienced rape or sexual assault since the age of 18 years of age. 3

One in six children between the ages of 11 to 17 disclosed experience of any form of sexual abuse. 35

Taking just the incidents of rape, sexual assault and the high risk these traumas pose for the development of PTSD/CPTSD, we can see the implications on our health and social care services. However, when an individual receives appropriate treatment, the negative impacts on their quality of life can be reversed.

This course has worked so much better than an antidepressant.
Quote from participant