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Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat

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Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat


Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat

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Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat


Fusce sagittis et nisi in feugiat

Participant Statement

“I struggled my entire life with feelings of guilt, desperation and a whole load of feelings that I thought were just normal.

I have a recurring cycle whereby every few years my anxiety would push me to restart my life, pack up and move on.

My fears were that of insecurity, feelings of total inadequacy and shame.

I visited my GP, I had had enough of moving around and wanted to try and put an end to my constant life upheaval, I liked living in Hove and I had finally given in to getting a dog (something I always wanted to do however I never felt secure enough) now it wasn’t just me anymore it was me and Frank my rescue Frenchie. After speaking to the GP and telling her about some childhood trauma experiences she suggested I try a new group trauma course which I thought (why not)!

The team were great as well as the participants and I finally felt like I wasn’t on my own anymore. And rather than feeling scared of life and what’s around the corner I felt like I could finally overcome this constant fear that had dragged me down my entire life.

The course took me back to basics, like almost learning how to eat properly again, preparing my body for food, breathing techniques to calm my nervous system and just the understanding of how my brain works in comparison to non traumatised people.

I’ve come leaps and bounds since this course, in a year I’ve opened myself up to trusting people and I’ve met a lovely man, I have a thriving business and I’ve rebuilt connections with my family and friends that are important, I’m no longer looking over my shoulder waiting for bad things to happen. I now have the life I deserve.

I was diagnosed with severe ADHD and anxiety after the course and began medication. However after a month I soon realised that I can control these symptoms myself rather than rely on medication. Rather than ‘rush rush’, I sit back, take a minute, breathe – and it’s working for me. I do not need medication to treat this diagnosis I just need the skills and TRE which has been an invaluable exercise for me to help me cope with my conditions.

I want to say a massive thank you to all of you that helped me.”